Von Groove - Once In a Lifetime

1. Close the door don't walk away
There's something to say
Come lay down beside me
I've heard the whispers in the rain
callin' your name
they're send to remind me
And if your tears are fallin'
I'll be the voice that's callin'
Ref: Don't throw it all away
Have faith that stands to be
This is once in a lifetime
Just let me lead the way
straight back to you with me
'Cause this kind of love is
once in a lifetime
2. Don't hide the tears behind a smile
You've got something my child
more precious than money
It's sad to see true lovers fall
Who'll still have it all
the gifts to somebody?
With ev'ry changin' season
I'll give you one more reason...
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3. We walk the road that has no end
together, my friend
the storms are behind us
Yeah like a river to the sea
you're gonna find your way to me
in this once in a lifetime.
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